Permanent Staff
Prof. Fernando Villafañe Gonzålez
Dr. Jose Miguel MartĂn Ălvarez
Dr. Celedonio Ălvarez GonzĂĄlez
RamĂłn y Cajal Researcher
Dr. RaĂșl GarcĂa RodrĂguez
Postdoctoral Researcher
LucĂa Ălvarez Miguel
Ph D Students
Elena Cuéllar Gonzålez
Adriana SacristĂĄn
Ălvaro GarcĂa Romero
Master Students
Nerea Ălvarez Llorente
David DomĂnguez Santiago
MarĂa Cristina Viyuela Fuertes
Ariadna Rojo Herrero
Undergraduate Students
Former Members
Dra. MarĂa BelĂ©n GalĂĄn de Jove, currently working at Renault S.A., Palencia
Dr. Emmanuel BoĂllos Ramos, currently working at Fonroche Renewable Energies, Madrid
Dra. Marta Arroyo Cabria, currently working at Procter&Gamble, Brussels
Dr. JosĂ© Ăngel Turiel HernĂĄndez, currently working in the I+D Department of Pharmasintesis, Valladolid
Dr. Luis Ăngel GarcĂa Escudero, currently working in the I+D Department of Pharmasintesis, Valladolid
Jose Ăngel Quintana Cilleruelo, currently working in his Ph. D. in CSIC
Dra. Patricia GĂłmez Iglesias, currently working at Gadea Pharmaceutical Group, Malta.